"Every note or chord that I playing is sounding bad."
#1 Check your tuning
#2 If you tune and things still sound bad, If you tune and things still sound bad, remember to be as close behind the metal fret as you can be and press down. Do not have your finger on top of the metal fret. #3 **Remember** It takes time to build strength in your hands, notes, and chords. Have patience and know that you will only improve if you make time each week to practice. # 4 Other Reasons things may sound bad:
If you need help, find a music teacher. We are here to help you understand how to play the instrument. We can make sure that you are improving and practicing each week. Contact Sasha at [email protected] for music lessons. Find out more at https://www.6stringedstudios.ca Like, Share and Please Follow at: https://www.facebook.com/6StringedStudios/ https://www.instagram.com/6stringedstudios/ https://twitter.com/6stringedstudio
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